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Online Services

                                                                          NHS APP

                  Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App enables people to access digital health and care services

It’s available to anyone 13 years and over, who is registered with an NHS GP practice in England or the Isle of Man

It's a safe and simple way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet - anytime, anywhere

All NHS App services can also be accessed online, through the NHS website

New and improved

After extensive user testing, the NHS App has undergone a recent redesign to make it even more user friendly and easier to navigate.

Download the NHS App for yourself:

You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at


Repeat PrescriptionsManage your Repeat Prescriptions
Cancel AppointmentsCancel any existing appointments
Change Contact DetailsChange your Contact Details
Your Clinical RecordUpdate your Clinical Record
Newsletter Sign UpSign up for our Newsletter
Summary Care RecordAccess your Summary Care Record

Have Your Say



Simply answer 4 questions and PATCHS will get you help quickly. Health Advice, Video Consultations, Fit notes, Sick notes, Medication and more.

Please note this service is NOT for emergency medical help. For any urgent medical help please call the surgery or call 111 or 999 if you have dire emergency

 Welcome to Aspri Medical Centre

With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.

Get Well, Keep Well

Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.

Join In

We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features.Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.

Named GP for all patients

All patients at ASPRI MEDICAL CENTRE have a named GP ( Dr K Karia) who is responsible for your overall care at the practice. This does not prevent you from seeing any GP in the practice as you currently do.

New patients are allocated a named GP when registering with the Surgery. The named GP allocated will be shown on New patient Questionnaire that you will need to complete in order to register.


In order for us to improve our services and get feedback from our patients we would urge you to visit our surgery and ask for Friends and Family Practice survey form. This takes only few minutes to fill out but your feedback will guide us to the direction where you want us to be. This can also be done via your phone, whenever you attend the surgery for your appointment you will get a text message to participate in survey.



Appointments are available in the evening and at weekends - please call the practice on 0208 427 9623 to be directed  to book an out of hours’ appointment with one of our local linked practices. Alternatively, please visit 111 online or call 111 to be directed to the help you need.

If it’s not urgent you can also use the online consultation form on the practice website, which will be responded in practice hours.

These evening and weekend appointments may take place by phone, video, or face-to-face depending on clinical need. You may be offered an appointment at your GP practice, another local GP practice or another local NHS service.  This is because we are working with other local GP practices to provide these appointments - our practice is part of a small group of practices called a Primary Care Network. Working together means we can provide more local services to you. 


For latest NHS guidelines, kindly visit


(Site updated 24/03/2025)

Contact Details

Aspri Medical Centre

Contact Telephone

020 8427 9623
020 8427 9623
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website